Remember, as well, that if your document uses sections, it is possible for there to be three headers and three footers for each section in your document. The only way to get rid of the entire thing is to follow the steps as outlined. Thus, if you have (for instance) a header or footer that includes a paragraph border, that border is still visible after you use the Remove Header or Remove Footer tools.

The reason is simple-in my testing, clicking those options removes the header or footer text, but it doesn't remove the header or footer paragraph. You may wonder why you don't just click Remove Header or Remove Footer, options available after you complete step 3 of these steps.

In the Header & Footer group, click either Header or Footer, depending on which one you want to delete.Position the insertion point in the section that has the header you want to delete.If you want to fully delete a header or footer in your document, follow these steps: